5 Concepts to Improve Caregiver Recruitment

5 Concepts to Improve Caregiver Recruitment Response Rates

5 Concepts to Improve Caregiver Recruitment Response Rates

I’m Sam, I’ve been doing social media marketing for home care agencies for 5 years. I’ve been able to get up to 30 qualified applicants for my customers every single month. You can reach out to us at www.augusta.care.
Hi, I’m Yvan. I’ve been in the technology industry for 20 years and I was the CTO of CareAcademy.
Here’s the big question: How do you get applicants to apply to your job posts online?
In this training video, we’ll have very basic answers to this and we’ll draw examples from our experience using Facebook. Those basic principles can be applied to any recruiting channel.
Today we will be covering the following 5 points:
  1. Put yourself in your applicants shoes
  2. Be transparent about who you are
  3. Be transparent in your job posts
  4. Don’t overextend yourself
  5. Invest your time in your marketing goals
Put yourself into your applicant's shoes
Applicants are looking at different employers on the web and making decisions on whom they want
to apply with. How can you stand out? How can you make an applicant comfortable in applying with
You can use your online presence to convey that message:
  • A way of standing out in your service area is establishing an authoritative presence amongst your competitors. This is done by showcasing your caregiver training / support, client resources, and your own personal experience in the home care field.
  • For example, on Facebook, you can post pictures of caregivers taking training in your office.
  • Our customer Dwayne has done this beautifully and has attracted caregivers who’ve asked whether he offered training.
Be transparent about who you are
  • Show yourself. Caregivers want to know who they will be working with. If you compete with businesses in the local area, showcase yourself in a way that makes them interested in you and not in your competitors.
  • Many operators we’ve talked to only say “call us” in their job postings with the hope they will get more applicants they can filter over the phone. Here’s why this does not work: For a caregiver to even call you, he/she needs to know enough about the business and job.
  • For example, write a thorough description of what differentiates your business, write in detail what the job responsibilities are, and so on. Think of all of the questions an applicant may have and try to answer them all up front.
Be transparent about the job responsibilities and requirements
  • A lot of operators we have spoken to don’t showcase their benefits and pay rate they offer since they do not think they are competitive enough. Instead, do a thorough analysis of what you offer and showcase it.
  • For example, one of our customers offers CPR training and didn’t showcase it until we started working with him.
  • If you are a smaller operator, you may be thinking that you are not able to pay a high rate compared to the bigger agencies. Do a thorough analysis of the pay rate in your service area and don’t underestimate the power of having a 1 on 1 line of communication and mentorship to your existing employees.
  • Don’t underestimate your value to your clients and charge accordingly so you can afford paying your caregivers enough. A small agency may be more valuable if it provides personalized services.
Don't overextend yourself
We’ll take an obvious example. We know that caregivers like flexible schedules. However, you may not be able to afford it in order to keep your clients. If that’s the case, don’t promise it. Otherwise, you’ll lose the caregivers down the funnel. That was the #1 reason caregivers we have talked to left their last agency.
Instead, showcase what you do have. As mentioned above, you may be underestimating what you can offer and afford.
At the end of the day, you are building trust with your workforce and this starts at the top of the funnel, i.e. when caregivers view your job posts.
Invest enough time and resources into your marketing campaign
Think of whom you compete with.
You are competing with agencies that are also allocating time and money towards marketing in your area. Your online presence is the extension of your business so it needs to look professional because you are professional. Spend enough time and get help from experts when needed.
You need to invest your time wisely by aligning your marketing with your actual marketing goals. As we said earlier, when you put yourself in the applicants shoes, make sure that you’re showcasing what they want to see, such as any training you’re providing or how amazing your staff is.
Hope this was helpful. If you want to learn how we can help you get up to 30 qualified applicants through social media, you can contact us at www.augusta.care or on our Facebook page here.
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